Package-level declarations


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This class translates an angle and direction into text.
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class LatLng(val latitude: Double, val longitude: Double)

Simple class that encapsulates a latitude & longitude

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open class LatLngBounds
The LatLngBounds class represents a rectangular geographic boundary identified by a northeast and southwest latitude &longitude.
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open class MapDirectionStep
Model that represents a particular leg or step in a waypath.
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Wrapper for a list of directions
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open class PathMetadata
This class represents the different additional data about individual path sections in a Waypath.
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Allows customization of text generated for turn by turn directions
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Model representing the various options to use when creating waypath.
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open class Waypath
Model to represent a waypath and any other data that may need to be associated with a waypath.
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A segment of a waypath that represents changing floor
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open class WaypathSegment
Indicates a section of the overall waypath that the user will take along their way from the start to the end of the journey
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open class Waypoint
Model that represents a waypoint.
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Allows customization of auto-generated waypoint descriptions